Monday, 26 September 2011

Rescue of 100 endangered Pangolins in Thailand can be explained by Baba RamDev Effect

Written by Anil Singh

Authorities in Thailand have rescued nearly 100 endangered pangolins (a mammal also called scaly anteater or Trenggiling), worth about $32,000 that they say were to be sold and eaten outside the country.Check out the seize video below:

Now this "rescue of 100 endangered Pangolins in Thailand can be explained by what can be called Baba RamDev effect".

But first, what is Baba Ram Dev Effect (the phrase takes inspiration from Raman Effect or any other effect we humans coin, while explaining any incident or phenomenon scientificlally)?

According to Baba Ram Dev Effect,

Any plant, as a whole or any part of it, in unprocessed or processed form, can be rightfully uprooted, deskinned or de-leaved, if Baba Ram Dev or his colleague Acharya Bal Krishna says on TV channel that consuming it, or applying it superficially, can impart wellness to Human Beings.

How 'Baba Ram Dev Effect' fully explains the rescue of 100 endangered Pangolins in Thailand or more aptly 'the failed trafficking of 100 endangered Pangolins in Thailand'?

Just like Baba Ram Dev's much hailed, ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, which prescribes plants, in both processed and unprocessed forms as a panacea ('RamBan upchaar' if translated in Hindi) for all hard to cure human ailments and a source of human well being; many ancient cultures in this world prescribe animal parts, as a panacea to human well-being or as a source of imparting "Super Human" powers to Humans.

In such cultures (one closest example is China), almost every animal known to man has been linked to some human ailment or area of human wellness, and power. For instance if one wants to have great vigor, then "drink cobra blood" etc. If the animal or plant is not found in the native country , then it's either imported or is brought in illegally.

Although, it has not been fully researched yet, whether such claims regarding the use of plants and animals as medicine and as super tonics, actually helps the people, but the promise of always luring wellness and super health, makes a big market for these plants and animals.

The fact that, nearly all such alternate medicines, whether it be Indian Ayurveda or some Chinese therapy, give more importance to the medicinal properties of rarest plants and animals compared to the common ones, hence those plants and animals which are rare or endangered are exploited most.

Courtesy, Baba Ram Dev, who started teaching Yoga a decade Yoga, but now mainly sells Ayurveda medicines, rare and endangered plants in Uttarakhand are shamelessly being exploited for Human wellness. Just like the pangolins, who somehow got the God's blessing this time.

Do we really need to try every plant root, shoot, leaves to be healthy? Believe me it's not much different from trying pangolin meat and blood to become a Super Human.

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