Thursday, 12 April 2012

Missing Girls of Uttarakhand | Gangster Test to know whether YOU LOVE WOMEN OR NOT

Written by Anil Singh

When a man kills his unborn daughter – He doesn’t Love women in GENERAL.

He may argue that he loves women, and try to go an extra mile, to show his love for them OR will sometimes post attractive photos of women in his Facebook profile; but the fact that he doesn’t RESPECT WOMEN FOR THEM BEING WOMEN; shows that he doesn’t love them.

To know whether you love Women or NOT: Try this Gangster Test!

Those who have watched Gangster movies or read about them in books; would also know that Gangsters love women; they are responsible for providing safety and security. The woman can be his mother, wife, mole, sister or daughter.

It’s a recorded fact that moles (the female accomplice of a gangster or his love interest) find gangsters attractive as “Gangsters are the guys who really know how to treat a woman and her womanhood”. He may be brutal to his rivals; but would never speak in a raised voice to a woman.

A 2009 movie, named ‘Public Enemies’ gave a fine glimpse of how a Gangster treats his love interest.

The Gangster Test may appear arbitrary to some; but if one sees a Gangster as a confident guy; then the Test can be a real eye opener for all men out there. To say in simple, it will tell the man before hand -- the possibility of him aborting his unborn daughter.

3 constructive comments:

  • nikhil says:
    13 April 2012 at 11:06

    plz plz tell me about vishist btc wat's going on

  • nikhil says:
    13 April 2012 at 11:06

    plz plz tell me about vishist btc wat's going on

  • Admin says:
    13 April 2012 at 23:51

    @nikhil_________If my memory serves me correctly, then the issue of Vishisht BTC is pending in Nainital High Court. Hence the delay.
