Friday, 13 April 2012

Missing Girls of Uttarakhand | ShantiKunj Haridwar is Different

Written by Anil Singh

Let I ask you a question:

Have you heard any Hindu Dharma guru, Katha Vachak or Sant speak in his/her discourses on TV or anywhere else, about female foeticide?

I don't know of you; but I haven't.

They speak at lengths on the importance of sons, Dana, Paap and Punya and so on. Some like Sant Asha Ram ji even reveals 'Divya Prayogs for Putra prapti'; but no one says a single word on the female foeticide taking place in the country.

But, there's an exception: Shanti Kunj Haridwar.

Shanti Kunj Haridwar is probably the only Hindu cult; whose leaders not only criticize the Female foeticide taking place in Indian society; but also tell their followers not to commit that Sin.

In one of their congregations at Punjab, Dr. Pranav Pandya, the Head of Shantikunj, spoke freely and convincingly on the 'the prevalence of female foeticide in Punjab and asked followers sitting there & theists watching the discourse on television, not commit the Sin.

Who is the Real Sant; You decide Yourself.

4 constructive comments:

  • nikhil says:
    14 April 2012 at 09:34

    plz tell me vishist btc ki high court me 9 april ke baad ki hearing me kya hua.

  • nikhil says:
    14 April 2012 at 09:35

    plz tell me vishist btc ki high court me 9 april ke baad ki hearing me kya hua.

  • nikhil says:
    14 April 2012 at 09:36

    plz tell me vishist btc ki high court me 9 april ke baad ki hearing me kya hua.

  • Admin says:
    19 April 2012 at 00:26

    @nikhil________Sorry Nikhil Can't help you on that. Thanks.