I have seen many young people choose an MBA College without much thought and research, and later lamenting their very decision of going for an MBA.
The possible reason for the heart break is not the result of an MBA degree itself, but various other factors which were ignored at the time of choosing an MBA College.
To save you, an MBA aspirant, from such a 'Post-MBA heartbreak', below are 12 Things which I want you to Know Before Choosing an MBA College:
1) A Masters Degree in your chosen field is better than Having None: It's often seen that, a guy does MBA from an Institute and later, when fails to get adequately recruited, starts questioning his/her very decision of going for an MBA. Don't Confuse your un-employability to the MBA degree. A Masters Degree in any field is always better for your career. Generally master's qualification gives you an extra edge. So congratulate yourself for getting an MBA, and look for the areas where you may be lacking.
2) Kinds of Careers you will have the opportunity to join after your MBA: Sales, Finance (a steady job option) and Human resource jobs are popular with MBA graduates. But there are other Sectors as well.
3) Some Sectors Offer Better Salaries and Growth Options than others: Finance is considered a steady job option. Salaries are also getting better in the sector, but in sectors like sales, marketing the remuneration is still performance or bonus-based. Choose the specialization and later a job based on your passion and qualities for the sector. For instance, if you can sell products like Hot cakes, then Sales can be your Life Changer.
4) It matters from where you get your MBA Degree: It's often said that, all it matters is the talent. If you have an MBA degree, your talent will help you grow. This is wrong. The College from where you do your MBA matters a lot. Hence if you do your MBA from Top 20 or 50 colleges in India, you are more likely to be employed than if you have done your MBA from some indiscreet institute.
Why this happens? When you do an MBA from a Key institute, you have best faculties and other skill enhancing activities. The great infrastructure, faculties and reputation brings more recruiters to this Institute. If MBA is a programme which makes professionals, then a better Institute makes better professionals.
Too much emphasis on talent, at the cost of Institute/college is wrong; as if you have talent, then you can succeed in life even without an MBA.
Hence, if you are offered a choice to go for a B-school which charges around Rs. 500,000 and the other which charges half the fee; go for the 5 Lakh MBA.
5) It's always easier to Place an MBA:
When compared to a graduate, an MBA has always an edge over the graduate. And those with a Good MBA get a head start.
6) What to do if you have not option but to choose a less reputed college:
In such a scenario, let the MBA grades be your USP. Study well in your MBA semesters. Try to top your batch. If you manage to do this, you will help your employability as any recruiter will trust you for your grades, if not for your skills.
It's here important to understand that, irrespective of the MBA College you join, you will have to appear for the exams of a certain body, like an AICTE. The syllabus for MBA courses by the All India Council for Technical Education is very comprehensive and suitable for those who are looking for a career in management. And irrespective of the college reputation, all colleges under AICTE, have to tackle the same examinations.
7) Students' skills set matter too:
When it comes to employability, the skill set developed and nurtured by the MBA and his college during his MBA matter a lot. SO work on then. That is your major selling point when you are in Job market. Here a reputed MBA College Helps.
8) Employers/Recruiters value MBAs:
The fact that an MBA demonstrate much higher abilities in many areas - such as management strategy, innovation, strategic skills, knowledge of general business functions, decision-making processes and, of course, leadership -- hence Employers/Recruiters prefer an MBA.
9) Are Recruiters wary of employing MBAs from less reputable colleges?
The Answer is Yes. To understand this, one should keep in mind the Demand and Supply dynamics. Too many MBA colleges mushrooming in the country, has increased the Supply of MBAs to the job market; but the growth in jobs in only limited. In such a scenario, recruiters/employers have started preferring to place candidates from reputable institutes.
10) Reputed Your Institute, Better grounded in job you're:
One of the reason why Employers/recruiters like to hire MBAs from reputed Institutions is that they are more grounded to their jobs. The fact that they are likely to be better qualified for the job, makes then stay in the jobs for longer duration. An unsettled MBA, on contrary, is always likely to call quits, the moment he/she gets a bigger pay package.
11) Do Recommendations help?
Yes they do. Simply because a recommendation from a responsible person always makes the job seeker more trust-worthy. Hence try to do a bit networking while still in Business school.
12) Do the traits, which are normally not taught at B-school matter:
Do intangibles like passion ,loyalty, enthusiasm, ability to adapt, improvise and overcome unexpected difficulties, matter in an MBA? Yes they do. Actually, the interview and GD are conducted for this purpose.
Some Dos and Donts:
1) If offered a choice between an expensive and cheap MBA, Go for the Expensive One.
2) Top 20 Colleges which are filled via competitive Exams are the Best. Any MBA College which has great infrastructure, faculties and which you get by competing, is great as well.
3) If have an option to choose between a Regular MBA and a Correspondence MBA, Choose for the Regular one.
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