Monday, 12 November 2012

Raj Pal Kharola Gets George Bernard Shaw Treatment

Written by Anil Singh

Media is powerful. That's why is it's interesting to see how it treats the Big, powerful and famous.

At present, the Congress's Uttarakhand Assembly Elections candidate from Rishikesh Constituency, Raj Pal Kharola, is on the receiving end. Post his defeat to BJP's Prem Chand Aggarwal, Mr. Kharola is Getting the George Bernard Shaw Treatment, from Local Print Media (newspapers).

Don' know about George Bernard Shaw Treatment? Here's it is:

Famous Irish playwright and a co-founder of the London School of Economics, George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950), was known for his nastiness towards Media. Mr. Shaw's visit to USA, was an opportunity for 'freedom loving', 'authority challenging' US Media to teach him an important Lesson. What was the Lesson? When the Media knew that, Mr.s is accompanied by his wife in US visit; the media instantly decided what to do. And the action was: They decided not to give any importance to George Bernard Shaw at all. Instead, to make Mr. Shaw feel the humiliation, they decided who accord all the importance. It was Mrs. Shaw. Sticking to the plan, the US Media featured Headlines Like These: 'Mrs. Shaw attends State Dinner, Mr. Shaw was with her'.

This is George Bernard Shaw Treatment. No surprise, Mr. Shaw learned an important lesson.

Mrs. Shaw's Husband
Since his defeat in the Rishikesh Assembly Polls, which even saw Rahul Gandhi campaigning for him; Mr. Raj Pal Kharola is busy making him more accessible and visible to the electorate. One important tool, he is using is -- attending the Public events, inaugurations. But sadly for him, even when he's in a front page photograph -- the photograph Caption Reads -- "Rajyapal Ajij Kureshi ainv Anya'  (Governor Ajij Kureshi and Others)".

Raj Pal Kharola has to think, the possible reasons for being at the receiving End.

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