Sunday, 16 December 2012

Contractual Jr.-Engineer jobs at Uttarakhand PWD

Written by Anil Singh

Uttarakhand Lok Nirman Vibhag (Public Works Department - PWD) , a Govt. of Uttarakhand Undertaking, Dehradun, Uttarakhand invites applications from eligible and interested  candidates for the recruitment to the post of Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical) on a contract basis . Below are the Key Details:
  1. Junior Engineer (Electrical)  : 17 posts
  2. Junior Engineer (Civil)  : 272 posts
  3. Junior Engineer (Mechanical)  : 52 posts
Age : 21-40 years. Relaxation in age and reservation as per rules.

Pay : Rs.15000/- per month consolidated.
Educational Eligibility: Diploma in Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical Engineering.

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format are to be sent on or before January 06, 2013.

For details either visit the PWD Office at Dehradun or refer to HindustanTimes dated December 13, 2012.

UPDATE: Originally Posted at ON DEC 13, 2012


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