Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Teaching, Non-teaching jobs at KV Roorkee

Written by Anil Singh

Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1 & 2, BEG & C, Roorkee, 247667(UK) invites interested and eligible candidates for walk-in interviews for Teaching and Non-Teaching Jobs, on a purely contractual basis. The details of which are in the notification below:

Date of Walk-in interviews: 12-13 march 2013

Name of Posts:

1) PGTs (English, Hindi, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Commerce, Mathematics, History, Geography, Chemistry)

2) PGT Computer Science

3) PRT

4) Graduate Teacher, German

5) Doctor

6) Staff Nurse

7) Sports Instructor

8) Computer Instructor

9) Counselor


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