Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Special Package for Academically Weak Class 9th Students in Uttarakhand

Written by Anil Singh

Special Package for Academically Weak Class 9th Students in Uttarakhand. For English, Science, Hindi, Mathematics. July Every Year.

The Uttarakhand Government is bringing a special package for Academically weak students in Uttarakhand. Under the Special package, the academically weak students in class 9th will be shortlisted. The weakness criteria will be in subjects namely Hindi, English, Mathematics and Science. The School will look for weakness areas in these four subjects; and after that rectification classes will be conducted for an additional One month duration.

Objective of the Special Package for Academically Weak Class 9th Students in Uttarakhand:

The extra one month duration of classes will take place every year in the month of July. The plan will be enforced from July this Year. The objective of the arrangement is to ensure that all those students who are admitted to class 9th, have full grasp on the class 8th course. Thus the rectification classes are for perfecting the student in any problem areas from class 8th course, so that he/she can learn better in the class 9th.

One Area which must not be overlooked:

The one area which has the potential to make OR break the arrangement, is the Time duration of Teaching. If a teacher has already taught his/her 42 hours of teaching a week. Then giving him/her any extra teaching work is non-productive (will not give result even if he/she agrees to teach extra for extra money). Why? As teaching can't be compared with other 8-5 jobs. Teaching is "making the student learn". For the learning process to be better, the teacher must be mentally active to teach.  Since teaching is a demanding job, the normal teaching schedule is more than enough to exhaust the teacher.

To solve the problem: Recruiting more teachers can be one solution. Here, the teachers will not have to to teach more than allotted teaching. Another solution is to create a "Rectification Classes Course-ware" and recruit just-out-of-college eligible unemployed young men and women run it. Such young men and women can be trained for a week to run the one month of classes. Rather than calling the rectification classes "Teaching", the project must be run as Summer vocational training for young men and women, wherein they are paid some consolidated money and awarded a certificate.

It must be understood that, making the same school teachers teach in these extra classes will not work, even when they are paid extra for the effort. A mentally exhausted teacher will not be able to deliver the quality. Hence, compensating the school teachers extra will not serve the purpose here.

If just out of college academically good unemployed young men and women are trained to run the one month rectification classes; they will not only get some money, but it will also help them decide their future course of action. That's whether to take Teaching as Career or not. They will get valuable experience as well.

A Suggestion: The unemployed Youth in the state can demand the Government an opportunity to run the One month Rectification classes. The Government create a road-map on how to run the classes, decide on the modalities like selection criteria, pre-classes training and one time consolidated payment.

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