Thursday, 5 September 2013

Uttarakhand ANM Result, Uttarakhand GNM Result 2013

Written by Anil Singh

Uttarakhand ANM Result 2013, Uttarakhand GNM Result 2013. Check your result Here

GBPUAT has declared the Uttarakhand ANM Result, Uttarakhand GNM Result 2013. Check your result at the links below:

Uttarakhand ANM 2013 Result

Result of Entrance Examination for GNM held on 11.08.2013

Useful Information about Uttarakhand ANM and GNM Result 2013

The ANM (Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery) and GNM (General Nursing and MidWifery) are midwifery courses. The educational eligibility for ANM is Class 10th any stream and GNM is class 12th (Science Stream). That said anm and gnm are great career options for those young men and women who have an interest in serving and looking after those in distress. The ANM and GNM entrance are conducted by Uttarakhand Government every year. The ANM Entrance and GNM Entrance exams are of Merit nature (you have to score high to get admission in the ANM and GNM Nursing and Midwifery courses in Uttarakhand nursing colleges). The Uttarakhand ANM result 2013, GNM result 2013 have released Merit lists, linked above. The Call for Uttarakhand ANM Admissions 2013 and Uttarakhand GNM Admissions 2013 will be made on the basis of the marks scored in the ANM and GNM Entrance Exam. 


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