How to check your IGNOU Assignment submission Status and where to check your IGNOU assignment marks / grades.

In IGNOU courses -- assignment submission plays an important role. The a certain weightage of grades/marks scored in assignments, projects, practicals is considered while making the final result.
IGNOU Assignment marks updation in Grade Card
Ideally, the Assignment marks or the grades for the Assignments / projects / practicals are sent by the IGNOU Regional Centre to IGNOU before the final result is made. When this is done, the final result in the Grade Card reflects both the assignment marks and the Written Exam marks.
But many times this is not possible and the assignments marks are not available at the time of TEE result declaration. As a consequence students have to wait for the updation of their assignment marks or grades in their grade cards. Until the grades or marks for IGNOU Assignments / projects / practicals are not updated in the IGNOU Grade card, the Result status shows 'Incomplete' and a Hyphen '--' is shown in assignment marks section.
Once updated, you will see your assignment marks or Grades along side theory marks in your Grade Card.
Know the current status of the ignou assignments which you submitted
If the assignment marks are not updated in your grade card then you can check the current status of your IGNOU Assignment. By checking the current status of your IGNOU assignments, you will know whether or not
your submitted assignments are actually sent to IGNOU by your IGNOU study Centre?
To know your IGNOU Assignment Submission status on a particular date (the date you are checking for the status),
visit this link and fill in your IGNOU Enrollment Number and IGNOU programme name. You will be shown the list of those IGNOU Assignments which are updated on your Grade Card, along with the date of updation. You will also be shown those ignou assignments which you have submitted and are 'in the processing stage', that's not updated on the Grade Card.
PS: IGNOU Assignment marks take time to get updated. If you're uneasy about the delay, then ask your Study Centre or IGNOU Regional Centre. If visiting in person, then take along the photo-copy of your Assignment submission receipt.
PS: Request You to see the replies to the comments below for any clarification.
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