Indira Gandhi National Open University conducts induction meeting for every new batch it admits.
The IGNOU induction meeting is a meeting conducting by IGNOU Regional Centre or sometimes Combined induction meeting on behalf of various IGNOU study centres under it.
IGNOU induction meeting is a face to face meeting between the ignou study centre functionaries & faculty members and the new IGNOU learners. The new IGNOU admissions are informed through post about the induction meeting -- its date , time and venue. Normally induction meeting takes place within a month or two of a person taking admission. The IGNOU induction meeting comprises of an open hall interaction with the new IGNOU learners, where the IGNOU Incharge of the Study centre speaks first about the IGNOU programme, ignou examination form submission, assignment submission, evaluation process, marking procedure, weightage of ignou assignments, weightage of term End Exam in final result, last date to submit IGNOU assignments, last date to submit IGNOU examination form, ignou registration etc. After that, the fresh students are encouraged to put their questions if any. The IGNOU induction meeting is also an occasion for the Study Centre to verify the original documents of the new IGNOU Admissions.
Are IGNOU Induction meetings Compulsory ?
The induction meeting must not be seen as mandatory or not. It must be seen as whether it's important or not.
For a serious learner, who may be putting himself/herself to Distance learning or Correspondence learning for the first time, can get valuable information during the induction meeting. This information is vital to the learner, as the system of open and distance learning education system is very different from conventional education experience in which they have studied so far. During the induction meeting for IGNOU programme, the students would be acquainted with among other things : teaching methodology, evaluation pattern and other services.
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