Saturday, 7 March 2015

Some IGNOU Assignments Not Showing in Latest IGNOU Assignments

Written by Anil Singh

Many IGNOU Learners ask this Question:
I have registered for Course A and Course B (Subject or Paper). However, the respective assignments are not appearing in upcoming TEE current assignment section. But the exam time table for the upcoming TEE shows the exams for the said papers. Is there a way that I can appear for the above courses in the upcoming IGNOU TEE?
Some ignou assignments Not Showing in Latest IGNOU AssignmentsThe Answer: There's only one way to appear in the said papers. If the learner has already submitted the assignments for the said papers in the past; then he/she can appear in the upcoming TEE. IGNOU does limit some assignments to a particular semester. But that doesn't limit the respective papers to any particular semester. The TEE for said papers takes place in both June and December TEEs. This is to enable those candidates who had submitted the said assignments in the past.

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