Fresh or Latest IGNOU Assignments are valid for the present Semester ONLY. Note this information. Details Here.
IGNOU Learners often ask this Question:
Can I submit the IGNOU Assignments which I made in the last semester NOW?
Answer: The answer is NO. You cannot submit the IGNOU Assignment which you made in the last semester. The latest IGNOU Assignments are valid for the present Semester ONLY. If you want to submit assignments then you have to download latest assignments from IGNOU website. Fresh IGNOU assignments are uploaded every semester.

For January-June Semester, Fresh assignments are uploaded in the months of February-March.
For July-December Semester, Fresh Assignments are uploaded in the months of August-September.
Hence, if you plan to submit an IGNOU Assignment during a particular Semester, then you must download and write the latest assignment uploaded for the said semester.
NOTE: Make it a habit of submitting a prepared IGNOU Assignment in the same Semester. Remember you can submit an assignment even when you're unsure or do not intend to appear in the Semester's Term End Exam.
Exceptions to this Rule: If you have submitted and passed IGNOU Assignment previously, then you don't need to resubmit the said Assignment.
IGNOU Assignments once submitted and passed are valid for your full programme duration.
Exception to this Rule: There are some programmes or some Courses (subjects) in a programme for which Fresh IGNOU assignments are uploaded once in a Year. For such programmes or Courses the validity of Latest IGNOU Assignments is 1 Year (or 2 Semesters).
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