Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Fighter Planes over Uttarakhand and Tea-stall Conversations

Written by Anil Singh

For a fortnight now, people in Uttarakhand are seeing or hearing Indian Airforce fighter planes roaring in the skies above them. Are they awestruck? Yes they are. Everyone of us seems to be that way. For many, it is some sort of an interesting distraction. For many others, it is a worthy topic for some time killing tea stall conversation.

How do we know that the planes roaring past us multiple times every morning are in fact fighter planes?

The most popular of the Hindi Newspapers in Uttarakhand told us that fighter planes will be doing rounds as some preparedness of may be some impending threat.

Nonetheless, people are paying attention to the sounds with the curiosity of a child. As a child, most of us see an aeroplane or a helicopter with curiosity, anticipation and admiration.

But adults must be different from a child. But that is not always the case. People love distractions you see! ... irrespective of our age.

This may be the reason why popular Hindi Newspapers in Uttarakhand informed the readers and the free information seekers (through idle talk) about fighter sorties a week ago. What if someone fails to notice? ... After all it takes real money to fly a Fighter plane, you see!

Ideally, the aim of such front page newspaper reporting must be guided by the desire of informing people about where money and resources will be needed. The desire of such reporting must not be to glamorize some impending threat. If there is any, then let it not be left solely to the Government of India?

If the Government chooses to share an impending threat, then who can question the newspapers!


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