IGNOU students can opt in for digital IGNOU study material and 15 percent of their IGNOU Course fee will be refunded.
Over the years, IGNOU has come to a conclusion that even when real paper ignou study material is best for the students; it is not easy to send such study material because of shipping problems. For this reason, IGNOU has started encouraging students adopt digital IGNOU Study Material. The distance learning University has decided that any student who opts for the digital ignou study material will get 15% of programme fee refunded.

This means that if you have taken admission in some IGNOU programme or IGNOU course in July 2018 (present semester) then you can opt in for your IGNOU study material in digital form (ebooks Form or in PDF Files form) and you pay 15 percent less fee.
For example, if your IGNOU course fee is Rs. 8000, then opting to receive the course material in digital form ONLY will save you Rs. 1200. Your course fee will be just Rs. 6800.
Advantages of IGNOU PDF books study material over IGNOU Paper books Study material
The easiest advantage is that the student does not have to wait for the study material to arrive.
The other advantage of receiving IGNOU study material in digital form is the portability (use it any where). The digital ignou study material in the form of PDF books or other electronic format can be received in any smartphone, laptop or desktop computer. For example,
IGNOU android app delivering the eStudy material is compatible with every android device, claims IGNOU.
IGNOU study material was always available in digital form. You can
access it on conventional computers such as laptops, tablet PCs and desktop PCs.
Disadvantages of IGNOU PDF books study material over IGNOU Paper Books study material
The most common disadvantages of receiving IGNOU study material in digital form or in the form of PDF books is that it is difficult to read books on a computer or smartphone screen. The eyes get tired easily.
Other possible disadvantages of IGNOU eStudy material are:
Internet connectivity speeds are not same everywhere.
The device of access can develop some problem.
It is difficult to prioritize learning in eBook or PDF book form. Once downloaded, most people become lazy, and never find time to read them. In simple, you may end up never studying them.
eBooks are difficult to revise as well.
So whether you opt in for Digital IGNOU Study Material ONLY or not is an important choice. Make it wisely.
NOTE: Presently the scheme is available only to students who have taken admission July 2018 session.
NOTE: Real paper IGNOU study material books
will NOT be sent at your address, if you choose digital study material.
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